Dobell Drawing School
Each year the Foundation funds the Dobell Drawing School at the National Art School. The course provides a rare opportunity for year 11 students from regional NSW and outer metropolitan areas of Sydney to develop their drawing and visual perception skills.
The course is run by practicing artists/teachers from the National Art School in central Sydney. Each year 75 students are selected from Government schools to participate in a four-day intensive studio program. The workshops include; drawing the nude model, portrait drawing, drawing the clothed figure, experimental drawing and observational drawing. The four-day course culminates in an exhibition of the students’ work.
The Dobell Drawing School provides a unique opportunity for regional students from diverse backgrounds to better understand the concepts and processes of developing a finished drawing prior to the development of an artwork for their HSC.

Dobell Drawing School
75 students from 31 schools loved the opportunity to come to NAS for four days and draw. This included 24 regional students from: Borenore, Braidwood, Cowra, Cudal, Dubbo, Finley, Grenfell, Griffith, Manildra, Molong, Orange and Tumbarumba. The amazing work completed by the students culminated in a pop-up exhibition attended by more than 300 people.
The Lismore Flood Relief Workshops
Thursday 23 & Friday 24 June 2022
Two NAS artist / teachers Todd Fuller and Nic Fern and Loraine Kypiotis ran the workshop.
Overall 74 students from 6 local high schools participated over two days. These students were in Years 11 and 12 and many of them (and indeed many of the teachers) had lost everything in the floods. Two of the schools had gone under completely in the March floods and they were still not allowed to retrieve anything from their classrooms which are still covered in mud and sludge.
The workshops went a long way to giving these students some semblance of hope and community within their art making. Some great work was produced and lots of ideas discussed.
The teachers from the high schools also engaged with the students and us, all agreeing that a day of art making and not to mention being surrounded by like-minded people greatly benefitted the students.

National Art School
Thursday 23 & Friday 24 June 2022
The 4 days of Drawing were once again, fabulous. 63 students from 28 schools including 24 regional students from: Alstonville, Byron Bay, Grafton, Griffith, Jesmond, Kempsey, Lambton, Tamworth, Wauchope and Wingham.
The pop-up exhibition was attended by about 300 people.